Women’s Beauty

Enjoying the sun

From the Woman’s Side of Things… “A woman knows down in her soul that she longs to bring beauty to the world,” says John Eldridge in Captivating. “Women ache over the issue of beauty — they ache to be beautiful, to believe they are, and they worry about keeping it, if ever they can find it.”

Eldridge goes on to say, “She might be mistaken on how (something every woman struggles with) but she longs for a beauty to unveil. This is not just the culture or the need to ‘get a man’. This is in her heart, part of her design.”

Bringing beauty to the world is one of the reasons I got into photography. I enjoy showing how beautiful overlooked, everyday things can be.

There is beauty all around us. There is beauty abound in nature for no reason at all but just to be beautiful — take a sunrise or sunset for instance. There is beauty in all of us, men and women alike. But there is certainly something especially beautiful in women’s hearts; a radiant beauty in our hearts the world desperately needs. There is beauty in our desire to bring love and comfort to others, in our desire to bring peace to others. There is beauty in our strength and even in our stubbornness. There is beauty in our emotions and our intuitions. There is beauty in our storms.

Our storms scare men sometimes. I’d say they aren’t meant to challenge the men in our life but sometimes they are. Women will storm regardless that is just our nature as feelers. But sometimes our storms are a test because we want assurance that we are loved, that we are seen, that we are captivating. If our men are strong in their love for us and stand strong as our rock, our storms will blow over quickly and without damage. They also would be few and far between.

I think our beauty radiates clearly when we live closely to our true selves; when we live connected to our hearts. There is beauty in our hearts women. I urge us to stop questioning it. Let’s open our hearts and feel it. No matter what we look like, we are beautiful. You are beautiful. As we are true to our hearts others will see us as beautiful too.

And just for practice repeat after me: I…   am…  beautiful. Good. Now with some feeling; connect with your heart and say it again: I…  AM…  beautiful.

Good, because, you are.

The Woman’s Side of Things posts are written by Amie Durocher.

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